The estimates vary, but experts agree: German medium-sized companies waste billions on paying for energy that they don’t really need. It is highly likely that your company can also save much money with just a few simple measures.
... such as on lighting: a fairly small item if you look at the proportion of energy consumed by German companies on average. But sudden revelations are possible there, too: “We have replaced 600 neon tubes with modern LED lights,” says Petra Ringhoffer, Head of HR and Finance at Ringhoffer Verzahnungstechnik GmbH & Co. “That saves us quite a bit of energy and money.” To be precise: EUR 10,799 a year. As a result, the company from Kohlberg will have made up for the initial investment costs of EUR 22,000 in only two years - while avoiding nearly 58 tons of CO2 emissions a year. “Heat recovery from our compressed air system has also been implemented to support our heating,” Petra Ringhoffer says. Other efficiency measures are currently on the company’s wish list, such as geothermal heat supply. But since this would require an investment of around EUR 1 million, the decision will have to be weighed up carefully.... (Page 8)
From: IHK - Magazin Wirtschaft March 2012
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Author: Walter Beck